Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sending Our Kiddos Off to College

My husband often says, "Where has the time gone?" We felt this way when we took our boys to college that first year. It seemed like just yesterday that we were changing diaipers, going to ball games and reminding (fussing at) them to clean up their rooms. Here are some tips to letting go:

Keep in mind that our kids are much more resilient than we give them credit.

Don't be upset if/when they call home in tears due to homesickness. Expect this to happen. It's normal.

The 1st semester can be difficult both academicallly and socially. Developing good study habits and making new friends are adjustments for most.The 2nd semester usually goes much smoother.

As parents, we have been faithful to meet the needs of our kids all of these years. Without mom and dad nearby, this time of life allows for them to experience God's faithfulness firsthand.

Lastly, it's likely that your college student will walk you out to the car and hug you good-bye. If you remember (through the tears), grab your camera and snap a picture as he/she walks away. I did that and it made for a very special picture to be placed in my journal.

I'm sure others have some helpful hints as well. Feel free to add to the list.

Have a blessed day, Robin

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