Monday, May 5, 2008

Mom Tip: One Way to Build a Sense of Pride in our Kids

The other day, a friend of mine told me that her son who is a freshman in college had saved $10,000. She added that he also paid for most of his expenses during high school. When I picked myself up off the floor, I asked her how he did that. After all, he's only 18 years old. He earned it by doing good old-fashioned hard work. Since the age of 9, he and his brother have mowed lawns.

Several years ago, there was a family on a talk show. This family had many kids, and they were all "successful." The talk show host asked the parents if they had it to do all over again, what they would have done differently. They said they would have made their kids work more.

Watch for opportunities for your kiddos (at any age) to work. Talk about work as something we get to do not something we have to do. Working with friends to rake a neighbor's lawn is a great way to spend an afternoon. Seek out opportunities that fit their gifts and abilities. When there is a real need, encourage them to work for free. A hard day's work gives a sense of pride and accomplishment they won't soon forget.

Have a great day,

By the way, with Mother's Day and Father's Day coming soon, be sure to read the tip in April called A $2 Treasure. This is a great time to implement that idea.

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