Saturday, July 26, 2008

Down Time - What's That?

Due to our fast-paced lifestyle, we don't place a high priority on "down time." In fact, some of our kiddos don't even know what it is. It is time set aside to be alone and read, walk, play quietly, listen to the radio, or simply rest. It may not be called down time. It may be called rest time or nap time. Whether we realize it or not, down time is essential for all of us. It refreshes and rejuvenates us. When you have kids involved in activities and going many different directions, it is more of a challenge to find this time. Ideally, a short period of down time each day is best. However, during a busy seaon of life, several times a week might have to be sufficient. One idea is to work in a down time after a regularly scheduled part of the day. For example, right after a meal, first thing in the morning, or the last part of the day may be best. Some days the afternoon might work well.

While growing up, most days our boys had a period of down time. Even now as young men, they get grumpy if they haven't had some alone time to refresh and rejuvenate. Although our kids may complain about being sent to their rooms to rest or play quietly, it is a habit they will learn to look forward to and appreciate.

Have a great day, Robin

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