Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mom Tip: Prepare your student for college. Part I

As a previous high school counselor, year after year I watched students go off to college. I watched parents send off their neatly packaged well-adjusted teen only to have their entire belief system challenged, twisted, and laughed at by liberal profs. Although maybe not as frequent, this can also happen at Christian colleges. There are some things that we can do to arm our kiddos for the battle.

I saw the movie Expelled this week. First of all, it is not an Indiana Jones type action movie. It is a documentary. Using college campuses as a backdrop, it is full of information regarding the ongoing scientific debate over evolution vs. intelligent design. Ben Stein spans the globe visiting beautiful prestiguous college campuses. He interviews some of the most brilliant scientists in the world regarding this issue. What he finds is fascinating.

I would make this "required watching" for my high school students. Offer to buy your child and a friend tickets if that's what it takes. Better yet, take them to the movie yourself and then afterward to dinner so you can discuss it.

More on college prep next time -

1 comment:

Sharon Bardwell said...

And this is not really 'new'...I went to a Southern Baptist college in NC in the late 70's/early 80's and had a professor challenge to us "Was Mary really a virgin? Are you sure?" Talk about faith shaking for a 'good' Christian girl...Part of college IS learning to think for yourself but you have to know what you know is true first. So, I agree, before you send your kids off to college, open the door of communications regarding "higher learning" any way you can.

Great post!!!