Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mom Tip: The Value of a Mission Trip

For the past 18 years, we tried to teach our boys that not everyone lives in a 4 bedroom house with a swimming pool AND that America is the greatest country on earth. However, this concept was "brought home" when one of our boys lived in Russia last summer. He lived with four 19-20 year old Russian orphan young men. Because they are orphans, they do not have the option to go to college. They attend a trade school but were not allowed to choose their trade. And, being orphans, they have no family.

This trip was lifechanging. When our son returned, he approached his education, his career choice and his day-to-day life with a different perspective. He now sees college and career as opportunity and is eager to seize the moment. He also doesn't waste time focusing on minor decisions. His daily life is seen from a renewed perspective, and he has a deeper love and appreciation for his family, friends and the privilege of living in America. One of his goals is to return to Russia and visit his friends soon.

Encourage your teen to look for opportunities to serve on a mission trip. It can be overseas or in the city working with the homeless. No amount of teaching can replace the actual experience of seeing other cultures firsthand.

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