Sunday, August 3, 2008

Heading off to Kindergarten, College or Somewhere in Between - Part 2

Reggie the Blog Dog wants you to check out the picture on the right and then read his comment. He has some exciting news.

The first few weeks of college can be unsettling for any student - even the most popular confident kiddo. It is uncharted territory. Doug's first weekend at college was full of unknowns. First of all, his brother and his roommate were not on campus. Dan came home to get his wisdom teeth out. His roomie was finishing a trip to Europe. With no friends and no transportation, he was "stuck" at school the entire weekend. As a mom, I worried about him day and night. Although I didn't admit it to anyone at the time, deep down I wanted to go to the school and rescue him from the unknown and bring him home. Here's the funny part of the story. Doug called Saturday night and asked if we were grilling (like we usually do). He wanted to bring home a new friend (or should I say have the new friend bring him home). That weekend we met Doug's new friend Matt who is an amazing young man. Here's the point - while I was at home worrying day and night, Doug was making new friends.

Whether our kids are beginning kindergarten or college or are somewhere in between, how much time do we waste worrying about things that never happen or that we have no control over? Here are some thoughts from Linda Dillow's book, Calm My Anxious Heart:
We can worry or we can trust the Trustworthy One. We can't do both.
When we worry, we're saying, "God can't."
Worry has more to do with perspective than circumstances.
Contentment is a state of the heart not a state of affairs.
We commit sin when we worry. (Ouch! I don't like that one.)
Have a blessed day, Robin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

reggie - if i come, i promise to wear my puppy bikini! love, bella b michelle