Monday, June 9, 2008

Flag Day Quiz

With Father's Day coming this Sunday, look back at the tip entitled: A $2 Treasure. It is a great idea that can be implemented on Father's Day.

Patriotism - love of our country - is a passion we must pass on to our children. We do this by recognizing patriotic holidays as well as the stories that are behind them. With Flag Day coming this Saturday, it is time for a quiz again.
Who made the very first flag?
Who was the 1st US President to be born a US citizen under the US Flag?
Which state is the only one that celebrates Flag Day as a legal state holiday?
Who designed the flag as it looks today with its 50 stars?
The Pledge of Alligiance has not always been saluted with your hand over your heart. What was the original salute and why was it changed?
Who is connected with the idea of and the conception of Flag Day?

I will post the answers on Friday.

Tip: Go to the bookstore or library and get a children's book about the United States Flag. Talk about the flag rules. Point out that we enjoy our daily freedoms thanks to the loyalty and sacrifice of those who have gone before us.

Have a great day,

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