Monday, June 23, 2008

Mothers and Sons - Part 2

Listed are ways that we can guide our boys as they grow into young men:
Resist our desire to dominate and control. Let them make age appropriate decisions. They will make mistakes but that's how they learn.
Allow them to carry heavy things for you. For example, let them carry the groceries in at a young age. Begin this good habit early because as men, their bodies are made to lift heavy things whereas ours aren't.
Keep lots of Band-Aids on hand. Girls can be content with colors and a coloring book, not so with boys.Get ready for bumps and bruises. Give them healthy outlets to be active. Present opportunities for them to play outside, participate in sports, take karate, climb, and jump. They love to do "dangerous" activities and be daredevils.
Allow them to be your protector. If you go out for a walk after dark, insist that they go with you so that you will feel safer.
When teachable moments occur, talk to them about their role in defending the weak and helping the helpless. Look for opportunities. For example, ask an elderly lady at the store if she needs help getting her packages out to the car.

Have a blessed day, Robin

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