Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Out of the Box - "Why NOT Me?" Generation

Whether they deserve it or not, our youth get a lot of bad press. We often hear about the senseless things they do. Well, within the last week, I have been amazed at some of the young people who have crossed my path. Let me tell you about them.

I got an email from a friend who is serving as a missionary in Africa. She has a huge heart for the African people. She wrote, "...Rwanda needs missionaries who are faithful and willing to die with them to the end, if need be. I want to be that missionary. The one that stays with the people until the end, God willing." I had to read this several times for it to sink in. My friend is 21 years old. Wow.

When I arrived at church last Sunday morning, our regualr praise and worship team was not on stage. Instead many of our high school students were singing and playing their instruments. I was enc ouraged yet humbled as they led our entire congregation in worship. They did an outstanding job. It was priceless.

Last Saturday morning, we went to the funeral. Our friend died at age 57 leaving his wife of 27 years and 2 kids. I sat amazed as his son, a young man in his early twenties, spoke about his dad. Through his tears, he read Scripture and talked about his love for his dad in front of hundreds of people. What an amazing young man.

Last Sunday morning, the high school graduates were introduced in our church service. We were told about their plans after high school. One student plans to attend Texas A&M and then go into missions. What? You mean after getting his degree he doesn't plan to find a good paying job and make lots of money? Wow - Amazed and humbled once again.
And the list goes on and on.......

When I was in my early 20's, I was nothing like these young men and women. I was totally self-absorbed. I am humbled as I think about this next generation. I call them the Out of the Box - "Why NOT Me?" Generation. They are travelling all over the world. They are on stage using their God-given gifts and talents. They are grieving loss unashamedly. They are working through issues and nailing down their beliefs. They are surrounding themselves with "big picture" people. They are reading Maxwell, Ziglar , Covey and others who challenge them, and I am proud to say, they are accepting the challenge.

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